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35 aktive Wordpress – Plugins

Ich weiß zwar, dass ein Blog mit viel weniger auskommt. Und die Bastelkönige unter den Bloggern kennen für viele dieser Helferlein Codeschnipsel oder jedenfalls performanceschonendere Lösungen. Und wenn es der komplette Verzicht darauf wäre.

Aber auch das soll schließlich jeder halten wie er will. Seit ich die fantatischen Wordpress-Themes von Elmastudio hier einsetze habe ich mir ehrlich gesagt keine Gedanken mehr über die Performance meines Blogs gemacht. Vielleicht liegt es auch an den Wordpress-Fortschritten selbst aber über die allgemeine Performance, sowohl im Front- als auch im Backend, habe ich keinerlei Klagen.

Hier also nun meine 35 aktiven Plugins für euch zum Durchgehen. Vielleicht kann der eine oder andere ja damit etwas anfangen. Ich stehe gern zur Verfügung, falls jemand Nachfragen zum Einsatz oder zum Sinn der Plugins hat. 🙂

  1. AddQuicktag (Version: 2.0.3)

    Allows you to easily add custom Quicktags to the html- and visual-editor.
    Created by: Frank Bültge

  2. Antispam Bee (Version: 2.3)

    Easy and extremely productive spam-fighting plugin with many sophisticated solutions. Includes protection again trackback spam.
    Created by: Sergej Müller

  3. Audio player (Version:

    Audio Player is a highly configurable but simple mp3 player for all your audio needs. You can customise the player’s colour scheme to match your blog theme, have it automatically show track information from the encoded ID3 tags and more. Go to your Settings page to start configuring it.
    Created by: Martin Laine

  4. Better WordPress Recent Comments (Version: 1.2.0)

    This plugin displays recent comment lists at assigned locations. It does not add any significant load to your website. The comment list is updated on the fly when a visitor adds a comment or when you moderate one. No additional queries are needed for end-users. Some Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane.
    Created by: Khang Minh

  5. Comment Rating (Version: 2.9.32)

    Allows visitors to rate comments in a Like vs. Dislike fashion with clickable images. Poorly-rated & highly-rated comments can be displayed differently. This plugin is simple and light-weight.
    Created by: Bob King

  6. FeedBurner FeedSmith Extend (Version: 1.0.0)

    This is a plugin originally authored by Steve Smith. It detects all ways to access your original WordPress feeds and redirects them to your FeedBurner feed. I enhanced it base on the FeedBurner FeedSmith and now it can redirects feeds for category and tag also.
    Created by: Jiayu (James) Ji

  7. Google XML Sitemaps (Version: 3.2.6)

    This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog.
    Created by: Arne Brachhold

  8. Google+Blog (Version: 1.1.0)

    A plugin to import your posts from Google+.
    Created by: Daniel Treadwell

  9. jQuery lazy load plugin (Version: v0.13)

    a quick and dirty wordpress plugin to enable image lazy loading.
    Created by: Andrew Ng

  10. KB Advanced RSS Widget (Version: 2.8.02)

    Gives user complete control over how feeds are displayed.
    Created by: Adam R. Brown

  11. Last.Fm Records (Version: 1.6.2)

    The Last.Fm Records plugin lets you show what you are listening to, with a little help from our friends at
    Created by: Jeroen Smeets

  12. No Self Pings (Version: 0.2)

    Keeps WordPress from sending pings to your own site.
    Created by: Michael D. Adams

  13. P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) (Version: 1.1.1)

    See which plugins are slowing down your site. Create a profile of your WordPress site’s plugins‘ performance by measuring their impact on your site’s load time.
    Created by:

  14. Polldaddy Polls & Ratings (Version: 2.0.12)

    Create and manage Polldaddy polls and ratings in WordPress
    Created by: Automattic, Inc.

  15. Quote Comments (Version: 2.1.7)

    Creates a little quote icon in comment boxes which, when clicked, copies that comment to the comment box wrapped in blockquotes.
    Created by: Joen Asmussen

  16. Do Follow (Version: 4.0)

    Removes the evil nofollow attribute that WordPress adds in comments.
    Created by: Denis de Bernardy

  17. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded (Version: 2.0.2)

    Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notifications. It includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications.
    Created by: camu

  18. Target Blank In Posts And Comments (Version: 3.2)

    Keep your visitors. Inserts target=“_blank“ into post and comment content URLs and external links will open in new tabs.
    Created by: Lazar Kovacevic

  19. TinyMCE Advanced (Version: 3.4.5)

    Enables advanced features and plugins in TinyMCE, the visual editor in WordPress.
    Created by: Andrew Ozz

  20. Visual Editor – Blog Theme Stylesheet (Version:

    This plugin permits integration of own, theme based stylesheet into Visual TinyMCE Editor live writing. Define your custom styles as additional style file tinymce_blog_themed.css at your theme directory. Every included class definition appears at TinyMCE button bar as drowpdown box afterwards for your personal choise.
    Created by: Heiko Rabe

  21. Tumblr Widget (Version: 1.4.7)

    Displays a Tumblr on a WordPress page.
    Created by: Gabriel Roth

  22. Widget Logic (Version: 0.51)

    Control widgets with WP’s conditional tags is_home etc
    Created by: Alan Trewartha

  23. Wikipedia AutoLink (Version: 1.1.01)

    Link automatically all the highlighted words with the syntax [w: term] on the definition from Wikipedia.
    Created by: Cristiano Fino

  24. Wordpress Backup (by BTE) (Version: 1.8.2)

    Backup the upload directory (images), current theme directory, and plugins directory to a zip file. Zip files optionally sent to email.
    Created by: Blog Traffic Exchange

  25. WP-Optimize (Version: 0.9.4)

    This plugin helps you to keep your database clean by removing post revisions and spams in a blaze. allows you to rename your admin name also. Additionally it allows you to run optimize command on your wordpress core tables (use with caution).
    Created by: Ruhani Rabin

  26. WP-PageNavi (Version: 2.81)

    Adds a more advanced paging navigation to your WordPress blog
    Created by: Lester ‚GaMerZ‘ Chan & scribu

  27. WP PHP widget (Version: 1.0.2)

    WP PHP widget adds a new widget called PHP Widget, which will allow you to include PHP code, you can have Text, HTML, Javascript, Flash and/or PHP code ,wordpress template tags as content or title in this widget.
    So, as long as you want, it can do everything, that is greatful.
    Created by: wpxue

  28. Plugin Lister (Version: 2.1.0)

    Outputs all of your active plugins via PHP for use in page templates & more (including the option to display your theme). Just call: <?php wp_list_all_active_plugins(); ?>
    Created by: Paul G Petty

  29. WP-post-view (Version: 1.0)

    Easily display the views visited of each post. Tracks the views in each posts visited, views number are also display in each row of the post in the admin area. Simply add this code echo_post_views(get_the_ID()); anywhere to display AFTER Created by: Towards Technology

  30. WP Render Blogroll Links (Version: 2.1.8)

    Outputs your Blogroll links to a Page or Post. This extremely simple plug-in enables you to create your own Links page without having to write a custom template.
    The output can easily be styled with CSS. Each category with its links is encapsulated in a DIV with a classname called „linkcat“. All the links are attributed with the class „brlink“.
    Created by: Tanin Ehrami

  31. WP-Slimbox2 (Version:

    A Wordpress implementation of the Slimbox2 javascript, utilizing jQuery, originally written by Christophe Beyls. Requires WP 2.6+
    Created by: Greg Yingling (malcalevak)

  32. WP (Version: 1.5.0)

    Reduce image file sizes and improve performance using the API within WordPress.
    Created by: Dialect

  33. WP Widget Cache (Version: 0.25.4)

    Cache the output of your blog widgets. Usually it will significantly reduce the sql queries to your database and speed up your site.
    Created by: Andrew Zhang

  34. wpCompressor (Version: 0.3)

    wpCompressor automatic compression assumes the data output and boosts the performance of the blog pages.
    Created by: Sergej Müller

  35. wpSEO (Version: 3.0.1)

    Powerful and reliable Plugin for search engine optimization and metadata formatting. A Swiss Army Knife of SEO with innovation from Germany.
    Created by: Sergej Müller

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17 Gedanken zu „35 aktive Wordpress – Plugins“

  1. Und wie bist du zufrieden mit der Performance des Systems? Ich finde, WP einfach nur toll. Oder anders ausgedrückt, ich bin sehr zufrieden damit.

  2. Interessante Auflistung! Ich dürfte auch so viel haben, wie du. Viele sind gleich, andere nicht.
    Plugins installieren ist manchmal so, wie das Kaufen von Büchern. Eigentlich will man nicht, weil man schon so viel hat. Und dann kommt was interessantes daher …
    Schönes Wochenende!

    • 30 von diesen hier aufgezählten Plugins habe ich nach diesen 5 Jahren nicht mehr im Einsatz. Dafür ganz viele andere. Es ist so, wie du geschrieben hast. Ich sehe ein neues Plugin, guck es mir an und schwupp bleibt es. Sehr oft jedenfalls.


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